The photographer

I've had a fascination with photography and especially getting unusual photographs ever since I got my first box brownie. I used to do my own developing and printing, even “Cibachrome” prints and solarising and posterising prints.  That was the hard way, by making multiple tone separations and multiple exposures onto one sheet of paper. I’ve spent most of my life  as an academic in science and engineering. The technical aspects of anything always took centre stage. In fact most of my time has been spent on optics and image processing. Almost despite myself the aesthetic qualities of images got my attention. I love the way that infra-red and especially panoramic images make you look at the world in a slightly different way. I’m also a science fiction fanatic, so my interest in different realities gained a way to express itself. A lot of art attempts to make us view the world from a different perspective, and I hope that my photographs encroach just a little on arts territory.

I have been lucky enough to travel  a bit over the last few years, as evidenced by the photographs on this site. This has given me a chance to create some unusual images. Making panoramas can, however, make the mundane special.

china hotel

This panorama of a Chinese hotel room is, I think, a case in point. No special lighting was used and the room was not organised for the shot.  The photograph still is much more interesting than it has any right to be.

.Nick corridor lobby

Some interiors are really interesting even without the added interest of strange perspectives as in the above example. I hope you find the images on this site as fascinating as I do and look forward to hearing from you.

Andrew Forrest

PS. here are a few examples of photographs with the photos of the photographer at the same time.

Ardfern pont photographer Ardfern

Ardfern pont photographing forbidden city

   Sometimes you can't get that good a photograph, but just being there is its own reward photographer Ardfern