What's new - older entries

May 20th - 2013

Just one new picture in "The Images/London". It's an unusual one. A photo of one of the final show exhibits at the Slade School of Fine Art. It's a collection of hi-fi and guitar amplifiers assembled in the small observatory in the quad of University College London. The amplifiers play a loop of the artists mothers' heartbeat.

The picture was difficult technically because of the very cramped space and poor lighting. The only light comes from the open door. Below is an external view of the observatory taken from The art school.

Slade Observatory

April 14th - 2013

It's now a requirement that all sites say if they use cookies. Well this site does, but just one, Google analytics. It lets me know how many people have visited the site and roughly from where. The usual disclaimer; using this site implies acceptance of using this cookie. I can't think of any downsides for the site user. This is a rarely used site by internet standards so I don't think this cookie will have any effct on what adverts people see etc. If you really object e-mail me at the usual address.

June 24th - 2012

Quite a gap in updates, but I'm still taking panoramas whenever I can. The new images in this update are all of the city of London. See "The Images/New" or "The Images/London". Three panoramas are of "The Shard". A new building on the South of the river, so probably not officially City of London but in use and atmosphere it definitely is. Security guards don't like you taking photographs; for what reason I can't understand. The pictures are all vertical panoramas and have unusually low aspect ratios so print options are a little different from usual. The remaining picture is a very old (by the standards of this site) picture of Canary wharf. It was taken on 35mm film without any special equipment so doesn't have the resolution of some of the other pictures on this site, but I still like it and it fits well with these recent images.

October 20th - 2010

Back from a trip to Athens in South Eastern Ohio, USA. Not the tourist capital of the world, but Athens Ohio has some significance for panoramic photography over the last ten years. Thomas R. Schiff got his degree in photography there. He is now a well known panoramic photographer in the USA. He donated many of his panoramic photographs to the Kennedy museum in Athens. An exhibition of this work is what prompted me to get serious about panoramic photography and start this website. He has produced several books:

"Wright Panorama", published by Orange Frazer Press, 2010.

ISBN-10:1933197757, ISBN-13:978-1933197753

The Wright in the title refers to Frank Loyd Wright, the architect.

"Vegas 360°" published by BrightCityBooks, 2002. http://brightcitybooks.com/publications/vegas-360/

ISBN-13:978-0-9795898-1-2, 2008

"Panoramic Ohio" published by Orange Frazer Press, 2002.

ISBN-10:0931537282, ISBN-13:978-0931537288

"Panoramic Cincinnati", published by Lightborne Publications,1999

Its nice to see that this kind of photography is getting noticed recently. For my own part I've added one panorama to the site of the Smiling Skull bar in Athens.

March 15th - 2010

Added another Thames panorama, see "The Images/New" or "The Images/London" menus.Lots of bronze glass about in this building which is fun but can mean that I appear in the picture.

Thames reflections


January 11th - 2010

Added several Scots panoramas, see "The Images/New" or "The Images/Scotland" menus. Edinburgh is a gift for photographers; it always looks great. One panorama is taken of the castle from very close to Princes street, but the others are taken along the "Water of Leith" which passes just a mile or so from the town centre, but much of the time you could believe that you were way out in the countryside, especially in snowy conditions.

November 28th - 2009

Added one Scots panorama, see "The Images/New" or "The Images/Scotland" menus. I'm not a particular fan of high dynamic range photographs so if I do use the technique I tend to do it subtly. This image is an exception but this is very much how the beach felt on a very gloomy October day. The site from which this was taken is on the far left distance of the photo Scotland-007

August 28th - 2009

Added two house interior panoramas see "The Images/New" or "The Images/London" menus. They are both of the house of a guitar teacher friend who has an idiosyncratic view of interior design, but one I really appreciate. Get the fundementals right; you need lots of guitars and bikes. Thanks Nick for letting me use these.

August 22nd - 2009

Added another two panoramas of London; see "The Images/New" or "The Images/London" menus. They are both of the Thames one taken from the same place as London-003 making a summer and winter pair. I now have my own printing calibration facilities using the ES-1000s spectrophotometer. This will allow really accurate control for every print. For a more technical description of my calibration results see this new page.

June 1st - 2009

To anyone who sent e-mail to the site between Saturday 30th and Monday 1st please send another copy. There were web hosting problems which may have resulted in lost e-mails. Thanks.

May 25th - 2009

Added another four panoramas of London; see "The Images/New" or "The Images/London" menus. They are all in the city of London area. I'm keeping the "The Images/New" page to around ten items. No images have been removed from the site, but are now just accessible through the other menu options.

April 12th - 2009

Added another four panoramas of London; see "The Images/New" or "The Images/London" menus.

March 16th - 2009

Fixed an incorrect link and some other details. Moved the site to use fixed width pages. Viewers of the site seem to prefer this. Thanks for the comments I've had so far.

March 10th - 2009

Several new images are now included as well as a new sections about the photographer and a re-written default page. See the new images and the photographer. There is also a new category "World" for images that don't fit in the other major locations in the images menu.

March 1st - 2009

The site went public 1st March 2009. There are no direct buy links. Everything is by e-mail at the moment. Keep watching this site. There are more images and site features imminent.